Order items

Create shopping lists, search the catalogs, set up firm orders and approve. Anytime, anywhere.

Order overview

‍Full overview with order archives, packing slips, goods receipt, discrepancy notices and confirmations.

Item Counting

Use the app both offline and online. Prices are updated automatically with the correct valuation of your inventory.

Calculation Tools

Calculate menus with up-to-date prices at all times. The menu bank provides you with accurate allergen information required for your menus and recipes.


Purchasing reports for buyers and chain office. Complete overview of what items and how much you have purchased from all your suppliers during the year.


Certain deals offer unique online discount when ordering through Buy at Nores.
Everything in one place

Online ordering and inventory

Agreements with 100+ suppliers

Industry-leading agreements

Personal advisor

Streamlines your purchasing routines

Bonus payouts

Regular payments based on agreement loyalty

Activities all year

Fairs, tours, courses, industry meetings and digital learning


Environmental requirements for suppliers and tools to reduce food waste

Your input counts

Members' evaluations, quality perceptions and needs form the basis for supplier negotiations.

Sign up

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Allt samlat på ett ställe - spar tid och pengar

Beställning och inventering av varor online

Avtal med 65+ leverantörer

Marknadens bästa leverantörsavtal

Personlig rådgiver

Analyserer og effektiviserer dine innkjøpsrutiner


Regelmessige utbetalinger basert på avtale-lojalitet

Aktiviteter hele året

Messer, turer, kurs, bransjetreff og digital læring


Miljøkrav til leverandører og verktøy for å minske matsvinn

Dine innspill teller

Medlemmenes evalueringer, kvalitetsoppfatning og behov danner grunnlag for leverandørforhandlingene

Bli medlem

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