Til sammen handler våre medlemmer varer til en verdi av nærmere 4 milliarder kroner per år fra Nores avtale leverandører. Disse innkjøpene bidrar i stor grad til våre medlemmers miljøpåvirkning og totale fotavtrykk. Derfor er det viktig at de leverandørene vi har avtale med, tar ansvar og bidrar til en bærekraftig utvikling.
Er et digitalt rapporteringssystem som gjør oppfølgingen av leverandørenes arbeid med bærekraft og sertifiseringer enkelt.
Food waste in Norway is to be halved by 2030, in line with the UN's sustainability goals and objectives. Join us too to reach the goal!
Nore's members can join free of charge up to the agreement. As a participant, you get access to useful tools to get started and materials for use in communication with guests and employees.
Nores is a control member of Grønt punkt. Grønt Punkt Norge AS secures and manages the financing of the return schemes for plastic, metal, and glass packaging, packaging carton, beverage carton and corrugated board. In addition, Grønt Punkt Norge AS collects and recycles plastic packaging, packaging boxes and beverage cartons on behalf of Plasttur AS and Norsk Returkartong AS.
Plateful is a simple, sustainable and cost-effective option for chefs in canteens, restaurants, hotels or anywhere else serving great food. By improving collaboration between producers, wholesalers and customers, we ensure that more of the food produced reaches the plate.
Solvand is a Swedish innovation that holds 10 liters of water, heats and cleans it using sunlight. Since 2012, suppliers in Nores have been helping to distribute Solvand to people living without clean water. To date, the collaboration has provided assistance to over 50,000 people for many years to come.
Online ordering and inventory
Industry-leading agreements
Streamlines your purchasing routines
Regular payments based on agreement loyalty
Fairs, tours, courses, industry meetings and digital learning
Environmental requirements for suppliers and tools to reduce food waste
Members' evaluations, quality perceptions and needs form the basis for supplier negotiations.
Beställning och inventering av varor online
Marknadens bästa leverantörsavtal
Analyserer og effektiviserer dine innkjøpsrutiner
Regelmessige utbetalinger basert på avtale-lojalitet
Messer, turer, kurs, bransjetreff og digital læring
Miljøkrav til leverandører og verktøy for å minske matsvinn
Medlemmenes evalueringer, kvalitetsoppfatning og behov danner grunnlag for leverandørforhandlingene