The members of Nores have lofty ambitions to cut food waste, and set high demands on themselves and the industry. Therefore, Noresdagen at Storefjell Resort Hotel in April this year was also tested as best practice for the second year in a row.
In his welcome speech for the festive dinner, Pål Semb-Johansson presented the results for how much surplus food had been saved after the fair earlier in the day, to great cheers from the hall!
Of all surplus food after Noresdagen, 98% went to the Salvation Army! It was also this year that most fruits and vegetables and refrigerated goods were redistributed. It shows that there is a lot of full-fledged food that has previously been discarded, but which now went to meet the need for food distribution to ever more disadvantaged people.
- We had a wonderful experience at Noresmessen today. Met many positive people who have shown great determination to avoid food waste. We got 580kg with different food, so now many people in Hallingdal will be very happy, says representative of the Salvation Army Hallingdal, Evy Kristiansen.
Measures that were carried out
Noresdagen hopes to inspire other similar events to use Matvett's model for sustainable food fairs, as Nores two years in a row has had very good results with this. Specific measures were, among others:
Resource group for planning ahead of the event which consisted of Salvation Army Hallingdal, Hallingdal Renovasjon, Storefjell Resort Hotel, Matvett and organizer Nores. To ensure the correct calculation of tastings for the fair, information was sent out on the number of enrollees en route to the exhibitors. During the fair, refrigerators were placed for the best possible storage of the food before it was to be distributed.
More important than ever to save food
Marie Kleppe from Matvett gave a post before the fair about the importance of the hotel and restaurant industry engaging in cutting food waste every day, all year round.
- With a strong focus on food waste, together with Nores we have established good routines to save all food from the fair. With increased costs for food and electricity, continued challenges with staff recruitment and food waste laws on the stairs, preventing food waste has never been more important and we want more of Nores's members to join KuttFoodSwin Dining, says project coordinator in Matvett, Marie Kleppe.
After last year's success with a sustainable food fair, expectations and goals were high before this year's event.
- Good partners were crucial to getting such a good result this year as well. A big thank you to Matvett, the Salvation Army and Hallingdal renovation. The most important to make this happen are the suppliers who have planned and followed up along the way in the event so that as little food as possible went to waste, says member advisor in Nores and responsible for the fair part of Noresdagen, Erik Ø. Power.
Online ordering and inventory
Industry-leading agreements
Streamlines your purchasing routines
Regular payments based on agreement loyalty
Fairs, tours, courses, industry meetings and digital learning
Environmental requirements for suppliers and tools to reduce food waste
Members' evaluations, quality perceptions and needs form the basis for supplier negotiations.
Beställning och inventering av varor online
Marknadens bästa leverantörsavtal
Analyserer og effektiviserer dine innkjøpsrutiner
Regelmessige utbetalinger basert på avtale-lojalitet
Messer, turer, kurs, bransjetreff og digital læring
Miljøkrav til leverandører og verktøy for å minske matsvinn
Medlemmenes evalueringer, kvalitetsoppfatning og behov danner grunnlag for leverandørforhandlingene
Online ordering and inventory
Industry-leading agreements
Streamlines your purchasing routines
Regular payments based on agreement loyalty
Fairs, tours, courses, industry meetings and digital learning
Environmental requirements for suppliers and tools to reduce food waste
Members' evaluations, quality perceptions and needs form the basis for supplier negotiations.
Beställning och inventering av varor online
Marknadens bästa leverantörsavtal
Analyserer og effektiviserer dine innkjøpsrutiner
Regelmessige utbetalinger basert på avtale-lojalitet
Messer, turer, kurs, bransjetreff og digital læring
Miljøkrav til leverandører og verktøy for å minske matsvinn
Medlemmenes evalueringer, kvalitetsoppfatning og behov danner grunnlag for leverandørforhandlingene