Nores SA was established in 1968 by Christian Mohn, with the simple philosophy that the more you bought, the better conditions you were going to get. Mohn joined forces with a group of hotel and restaurant owners in Oslo to negotiate the price of coffee — and based on this, Nores was established as a purchasing organization. Nores has enjoyed tremendous growth over the past 56 years and is today one of the largest purchasing organizations in Norway and Sweden, with over 1400 members and a purchasing volume of just under 4 billion.
Online ordering and inventory
Industry-leading agreements
Streamlines your purchasing routines
Regular payments based on agreement loyalty
Fairs, tours, courses, industry meetings and digital learning
Environmental requirements for suppliers and tools to reduce food waste
Members' evaluations, quality perceptions and needs form the basis for supplier negotiations.
Beställning och inventering av varor online
Marknadens bästa leverantörsavtal
Analyserer og effektiviserer dine innkjøpsrutiner
Regelmessige utbetalinger basert på avtale-lojalitet
Messer, turer, kurs, bransjetreff og digital læring
Miljøkrav til leverandører og verktøy for å minske matsvinn
Medlemmenes evalueringer, kvalitetsoppfatning og behov danner grunnlag for leverandørforhandlingene