Supplier requirements

All our suppliers must maintain an active environmental profile. This involves, among other things, ongoing work to reduce waste, air pollution, energy and water consumption. The Supplier Guidelines also contain requirements relating to the working environment, environment, animal ethics, corruption, whitewashing, employees' rights.

Transparency Act

The Transparency Act shall promote businesses' respect for fundamental human rights and decent working conditions, and ensure public access to the information. The law imposes on businesses a duty of information and an obligation to, among other things, carry out due diligence assessments.

Our Due Diligence Statement

Factlines' verification badge confirms that we are actively working on basic human rights and decent working conditions in our own business and supply chain. Every year we collect information from our suppliers through Factline's software.

Our work with the Transparency Act

Our reporting includes the following:
· Social responsibility, strategy and guidelines
· Supply chain: follow-up, insight and control
· Risk and due diligence assessments
· Country risk
· Working conditions and rights
· Peoples groups and the environment
· Conflict minerals
· Anti-corruption

Grønt punkt

The supplier must be a member of the Green Point return scheme. They shall bring packaging in return or offer an environmentally friendly solution for members, including the delivery of goods in reusable boxes. The supplier must clarify with the Danish Food Authority what guidelines apply.

Environmental Lighthouse

Nore's administration is Environmental Lighthouse certified. Environmental Lighthouses is a national certification scheme that addresses the following environmental topics: Internal control HSE, working environment, energy use, procurement and material use, waste and emissions management, transport and climate accounting.
Our Certification

Green Point

Nores is a controlling member of Green Point, which secures and manages the financing of the return schemes for packaging. In addition, Grønt Punkt collects and recycles packaging and cardboard on behalf of Plasttur AS and Norsk Returkartong AS.
Our membership


Nores is a member of an industry committee working on the continuation of cut food waste for the industry.
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Environmental requirements for suppliers and tools to reduce food waste

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