Restaurant Hantverket in Stockholm has coped well with the pandemic despite all the challenges. When the crisis was a reality in the spring of 2020, employees were laid off in a panic, only to be recalled after three weeks. It has since rolled on. But certainly not painless.
Chef Stefan Ekengren is the restaurateur who created “Stomach ulcers at every press conference” in an interview with SvD in December 2020. He then referred to the fear of how even stricter restrictions would affect the industry, the business community and, above all, the staff. “Although we have had a lot to do, the excitement for me as owner and manager has been immense. Protecting staff has been most important, they are the most valuable thing we have. We had a lot of meetings at the start, of course there was a bit of horror, some who didn't even want to work and guests who messaged cancellations. But it recovered pretty quickly.
Already in April, the guests returned and towards the summer there was full pressure again. Stefan believes that one reason why things have gone well for Hantverket is that they are established and have a clear profile. The restaurant is often fully booked, has a 5 out of 5 rating on Facebook and is located a stone's throw from Stureplan.
“We have not changed anything in our range due to the pandemic. We've stuck to our concept and delivered exactly what we did before, but with more air between the tables.
But all the measures and restrictions that hit many businesses and people have taken a toll, even on Stefan. Yet he has spoken both for and to the entire industry. On Instagram, he has energized more than 25,000 followers and industry colleagues with a positive and encouraging attitude. He also became a spokesperson for the industry in his meetings with the government and the Public Health Agency.
“I have been in contact with the government to create understanding. Sure, I've gotten good answers, but it's also been frustrating. When the Public Health Authority repeatedly says during the autumn that there is no spread of infection in the pub and yet closes us at 8.30pm, then it felt as if the industry had to become symbols of something bigger. It signals politics and so they said so.
To discourage early closing, the Craft opened an hour earlier in the evenings and for lunch on Saturdays. There was full pressure on the booking and the restaurant had to find solutions to be prepared to serve as much in half the time. To do this, we needed more staff.
'When they eased the restrictions on very short notice, then it was a challenge to get staff in for the summer, which is also a normal year. It was a crazy summer, we were a little understaffed but still lucky.
After the summer, a change is felt, guests hug, hold hands and are more relaxed. Even Stefan is starting to relax after what he calls a shit year that he'd rather forget. One thing that will be left once the pandemic is over is air between the tables
'We're not going to put back all the tables as close as before, not immediately anyway, I think people will sit a little further from others. We want as many guests as possible, of course. But with small adjustments, we don't lose that many seats. Then we can keep track of whether there are new outbreaks or new restrictions.